I'm very impressed with the accuracy of those who dared to pick the answers they found to be untrue.
1. Yes, sadly it's true, I've never been a tattoo artist. Needles and pain are not my gig and never will be.
2. I could only watch a little of West Side Story and could never go back to it. Muscials have never been my favorite. As an adult, I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed the Harry Potter books and movies. I do recommend reading the books first so you have more background on the characters. It makes the movie more interesting.
3. I've never lived in Canada. Even though I live very close to Canada I've been there for less than a day.
4. Perhaps my answer is not fully correct since I've never really sat down and watched an episode of Sponge Bob Squarepants. Maybe I'd like it if I watched it. Friends and Simpsons make me laugh. West Wing feeds the political intrigue and drama that I enjoy.
5. Sadly, no vacation to Siberia. I hear there's great cross country skiing in the winter if you don't freeze to death first. Thailand's cultural history makes it a remarkable place to visit.
6. Fried Worms - I know, just a little obvious on that one.
7. Imthegreatestguyintheworld.com - perhaps a bit narcissistic on this one. As a kid I followed sports and played sports all the time. These days I keep up on Nascar and the Green Bay Packers.
8. Northern Canada is not where I want to be right now. I love warm weather. Summer, come soon, please. And yet, home really is where my close relationships are. So, here at home with my beautiful wife, is where I most want to be.
Thank you to all the contestants who played this little game. Your prize is the satisfaction of knowing that you did well with limited information.