Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Who will win in Michigan?

The 2006 Michigan governor's race should be very interesting. Dick Devos, the Republican, and Jennifer Granholm, the Democrat, are the shoe in candidates running for governor in Michigan in 2006.

Dick Devos is the son of Rich Devos who started Amway and has become a very rich man. No doubt his son Dick has become very wealthy too. Dick ran the company for a while that used to be called Amway and is now called Alticor. Dick's wife, Betsy Devos, was the Republican party chairperson for the past few years.

Jennifer Granholm came into office almost 4 years ago. She was a very popular candidate that drew a fair amount of support in the more conservative West Michigan. Part of her popularity came from the fact that John Engler had been governor 12 years. The Republican running against her had been Engler's Lieutenant governor Dick Posthumus. Lots of people were weary of the Engler years and were looking for a change. Jennifer fit that profile perfectly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in Dick DeVos's hometown for 25 years and I can tell you that Dick DeVos is not the person he says he is. What I heard from a realiable source is that he flunked out of Michigan state and then Daddy sent a million dollars to Norwood University in Midland, Michigan where Dick graduated.Aside from his family business he has had no other jobs. He is so far right it is rediculous not even wanting abortion in the case of rape or incest. He believes in school vouchers which would take money away from public schools. He talks about the need to bring jobs to Michigan and blames Jennifer Granholm for the fact that jobs were outsourced from Michigan and a auto companies closed. He keeps talking about the repeal of the SBC tax.The public is unaware that she would not repeal it until there was something in its place.Repealing it the way it is would hurt some of Michigan's most vulnerable people.There are some good ol Republican boys in Michigan who would benefit greatly from a Republican governor.I've been following Granholm's record for years reading her weekly emails and she has done amazing things for Michigan in spite of John Engler and the economic situation. She has been to Japan twice and has wooed Google to Ann Arbor. If only people would pay attention and not want a quick fix for an economic situation that is no fault of Granholm's Dick DeVos would be history.

4:45 PM  

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