Friday, June 02, 2006

Where did they go?

Not far from work is a cool new Target. My wife & I like to shop at this Target store. It's new and spacious.

Then, I noticed that there's a marsh right next to the Target parking lot. This whole area that's now a parking lot and store must have been a marsh.

Where did all the birds, fish, frogs, and assorted other animals go now that their home has been paved over? Were they killed when the bulldozers pushed dirt over their home? I hope not. Hopefully they were able to find a new home.

I'm conflicted. I like new Target but I wouldn't want this store if it meant thousands of animals displaced or killed in the process.

Is there a way to bring new development that doesn't wreak havoc on the animals that call that area home?


Blogger spookyrach said...

Yes, there is a way, but it costs more moo-lah. I had an uncle who once seriously threatened to chain himself to a tree on his favorite golf course/green area on the edge of town when it was being bulldozed for a new Wal-Mart.

He finally gave up and moved to California.

5:50 PM  

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