Friday, June 16, 2006

Devos vs. Granholm

I predict the race will be fairly close unless some dramatically bad economic news comes out.

Devos is going to be hampered just by the fact that he is so wealthy. That wealth is handy right now because it pays for all these commercials he's running. But, many people will not trust him to look out for the best of the people because he's so wealthy. Can someone who's got such an insulated life look out for the good of the people? I think it's a valid question to ask and something he will have to overcome.

Granholm will have the support of the traditional base in the eastern side of the state. The unions are still influential in Michigan politics and they will surely endorse her. The Michigan Educators Association has already endorsed her (without even interviewing Devos). But, it will take more than endorsements to win an election. She will have to show that she's taken positive steps to pull Michigan out of the economic doldrums. She may struggle to do that.

To her credit she's had to work with a Republican controlled House & Senate. And, not surprisingly, they've not worked well together. As a result, any agenda she might have wanted to pursue was blunted by Republican opposition.


Blogger Pat said...

I'm not sure at this point who I will vote for. I favor Granholm because of her focus on Michigan's economy and her spunk. She lost me recently in a speech where a mention of the immigration issue would have been more than approporiate, but not enough to not consider her next term.

With DeVos, I don't know that he's lived life with more silver in his spoon than Granholm. Wealth seems to equal distance from the ability to understand grass roots challenges, but I think that candidate that comes from among our ranks exists in primarily in fairy tales.

Do you know much about Granholm's background? I never though of it before you mentioned it.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Kevmo said...

No, I'm not sure of her background. I know she's from Canada. And, she was the attorney general when Engler was governor.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a republican and support DeVos, however I have many democrat friends who are voting for him as well. My friend who is ultra-liberal hates Granholm after she found out that Granholm did an email survey and sold all the email addresses! I met her after an interview and she seemed nice but very cheesy-politician-ish. She told me something like "We want the best for Michigan's girls" {insert corny politian smile here} yeah, she's really fake.

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as a small business person in Michigan, I urge all fo you to think seriously before voting.. Take this into consideration.. Whatever your thoughts about "silver spoons", and "fairly tales" consider this.. We have lost almost 100,000 manufacturing jobs since 2002, and it is truly a 1-way ticket out of this state. Devos has the ability to look thru his rolodex, and personally make a phone call to leaders around the world to lure potential business to this state. But some issues and climates need to be changed first. Does Granholm have that kind of clout? It is crystal clear to me, that she does not.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeVos spent big money in China to sell his products there. How does products produced with US dollars in China for the Chinese help Michigan.

Gas prices are down too. Is it because election time is here? People forget quickly.

I once was an active Republican. At that time I heard the Big Whigs talk. They were pro-business. They even wanted to get rid of Social Security. Since then I have become an ultra-liberal. This country was built by the little man - not the fat cats.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Devos would be poison for education. I cannot imagine electing another rich, white man in this country. They take care of each other and that's it. I will be incredibly disappointed if Devos is elected!

3:01 PM  

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