Saturday, December 17, 2005


Last week Tookie Williams was executed in California. His case created a furor over the issue of the death penalty. Apparently Williams had done some redeeming things like writing children's books to encourage them to not get involved with gangs. Yet, I also read that he never seemed repentant of his crimes. I don't know what to think of him.

I used to be very much in favor of the death penalty. Now, I'm not sure what is best. It's certainly not a deterrent to violent crime because few people who commit heinous crimes worry about the consequences of their behavior.

All that being said, Williams was a human being. Human beings have immense value, even those who have done evil.

The day after his execution I turned on my radio to one of those call in talk shows. The host of the show was almost gleeful that he had been executed. For him, it was a political victory over the liberals that fought in his defense.

I couldn't keep the radio on for long. For me, it is never right to gloat over someone's death.


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