Hillary Clinton
I've found the only thing that stirs the passion of Republicans in this election season - Anti - Hillaryism. Anyone but Hillary is the mantra I've heard from several of my Republican friends.
On the other side of the spectrum the more liberal Democrats I hear on the radio are not all that enthralled with her either. Many see her as too centrist, too tied to corporatism, or too much a part of the Washington power structure. She doesn't do interviews on progressive talk radio and that has gotten a lot of people upset.
My opinion is that if Hillary Clinton were elected many Republicans would find her more friendly than they realize on many issues and that more liberal Democrats would be quite disappointed with her.
It's hard to win an election when so many people passionately dislike you. But, George Bush's 2004 win proved that it can be done. I suspect her campaign will do a good job of softening up her image for the general election.
But, I don't think her nomination is a shoe in. I think Obama has the best shot at unseating her. Yet you can never tell when someone like Edwards, Biden or Richardson could have a surprise showing in Iowa and end up a contender.
Personally I'm not enthralled with her either. I used to despise her in the Clinton years when I was in my Libertarian brand of conservatism. Now, I'm not as opposed to her ideas as I was once. To me the biggest thing she'd be able to do is create a real debate over our costly health care system. Fixing this system would help individuals and businesses.
It'd be great to have a woman president. I just wish we had other choices.
On the other side of the spectrum the more liberal Democrats I hear on the radio are not all that enthralled with her either. Many see her as too centrist, too tied to corporatism, or too much a part of the Washington power structure. She doesn't do interviews on progressive talk radio and that has gotten a lot of people upset.
My opinion is that if Hillary Clinton were elected many Republicans would find her more friendly than they realize on many issues and that more liberal Democrats would be quite disappointed with her.
It's hard to win an election when so many people passionately dislike you. But, George Bush's 2004 win proved that it can be done. I suspect her campaign will do a good job of softening up her image for the general election.
But, I don't think her nomination is a shoe in. I think Obama has the best shot at unseating her. Yet you can never tell when someone like Edwards, Biden or Richardson could have a surprise showing in Iowa and end up a contender.
Personally I'm not enthralled with her either. I used to despise her in the Clinton years when I was in my Libertarian brand of conservatism. Now, I'm not as opposed to her ideas as I was once. To me the biggest thing she'd be able to do is create a real debate over our costly health care system. Fixing this system would help individuals and businesses.
It'd be great to have a woman president. I just wish we had other choices.