Sunday, November 18, 2007

Out of my Job

Being out of my job soon has me sometimes going out of my head! I'm going to be laid off no later than a month from now.

For an introvert who's not big on being a salesman, the job hunt is not an easy process. Looking for work means selling yourself. I know I have a lot to offer but it's surprisingly difficult to toot my own horn. Yet, the need for work has given me a strong vision to push through the stuff I don't like to do.

One helpful idea that someone passed on to me is being reminded of my responsibilities & God's responsibilities in this process. My job is to look for work diligently. God's responsibility is provide for my family. He's promised to provide our daily bread. I'm well aware that the provision may not be all I want or it could be more than I could dream of. We'll see.

Any perspectives on job hunting are welcome.


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