Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Newt's comparison

Watching a snippet of Newt Gingrinch comparing UPS to the federal government upset me and I turned off the TV. No more C-Span tonight!

He talked about how well UPS & Fed Ex are in their business. UPS tracks 13 million packages every day. You can go on-line and track your package. I agree they're very good at what they do.

He compared that to the federal government's inability to track 12-20 million illegal immigrants.

Hmmm...isn't this like comparing apples & oranges? How does UPS's ability to track packages (which are not human beings) compare to the government tracking millions of illegal aliens?

This is a false comparison. If he was going to compare properly, he should compare UPS to the US Postal system. By the way, I think the post office actually does a pretty good job.

His overall point is probably correct - that private industry is often more efficient than government agencies.

But for someone who is looking to run for president, I suggest he come up with better comparisons.


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