Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I've never paid much attention to Lent. I grew up hearing it as a season in the church calendar. As an adult my attitude has been that Lent should be everyday, not just 40 days each year. Traditionally it's a time when people fast or pray or give something up.

This year I'm going to give something up for Lent - worry. For 40 days I'm going to ask for God's help to give up each worry that comes up.

If I really gave up worry for 40 days, I know I would be different. Much of my stress the past 9 months is worrying about the worse case scenarios that never happen. Where is God in worry?

I'll let you know how this Lenten experiment turns out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your decision to give up worrying pays dividends for the next 40 days, and the rest of your life. I used to worry about all kinds of things as well. I would often make myself physically ill with all the worry.

One simple sentence has completely changed my life. "Don't worry about things that you cannot change." I no longer worry about what may or may not happen if I am powerless to cause it or prevent it from happening. Since many things good and bad happen outside of our influence, living by this one simple phrase can eliminate the vast majority of worry from your life. Good luck.

10:37 PM  

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