Thursday, December 28, 2006


In honor of being tagged by the PickleOs, I will do my own set of 6 weird things about me.

1. I like drinking hot water. I got this peculiar habit when I lived in China where all the water had to be boiled.

2. Unlike the rest of the world, I don't like chocolate and nuts combined. Hold the Snickers bar please.

3. I try to practice the Alexander Technique. You can read my initial impressions of this on my 11/21/05 blog post.

4. I'm trying to memorize the 12 words that have the letter "q" in them but not the letter "u". This is a strategy to help me win against my dear mother & mother in law in Scrabble. When's the last time you used qwerty in a sentence?

5. At night I sleep with my feet sticking out from under the covers. Hot feet means no sleep.

6. After college, I lived in 7 different cities in 8 years.

There, done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are very few foods I won't eat or at least try, but the first four wierd things that came to mind have to do with wierd eating habits. The other two are sports related.

1. At meals, I eat all of one item on my plate before moving on to the next, and then the next.

2. I don't eat fresh sliced tomatoes, but like ketchup, stewed tomatoes, chili, etc. I remember eating cherry tomatoes right out of my mom's garden as a child, but won't eat them now.

3. I always smell the milk as I remove it from the refrigerator before pouring and drinking.

4. I am paranoid about eating items with eggs or mayonaise that go unrefrigerated for even a short time. This phobia extends to not trusting cream based soups in restaurants. I'm guessing I have had a few bad stomach experiences which I don't now specifically recall.

5. My favorite sport to watch in person or on TV is football. In high school I participated in track, cross country, and basketball. I even played a fair amount of friendly tennis and in some younger aged baseball leagues, but never played competitive football.

6. I never played golf until I was 31 years old because I thought it would be a poor fit with my quick temper and lack of patience. I now average about 25 rounds of per year. I still am not that good (23 hc) but really enjoy playing and find it even relaxing sometimes. Although I don't particularly enjoy shanking one into the water or woods, I rarely lose composure on the course.

12:48 AM  
Blogger Kevmo said...

Awesome weirdness deanmcq. Much to my mother's frustration I ate one item at a time on my plate. I still do it sometimes but not always. I think it gives us the fullness of flavor of that one food.

5:03 PM  

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