Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Creative Arts

Where does this recent interest in the creative arts such writing, music and painting originate for me? Part of it no doubt has come from hanging around people who value these things. Many thanks to those people - Captain Wow, Beerhorsts, God in Ruins & those crazy PickleOs (see their links to the right).

I read something this morning that puts another piece of the puzzle together for me. Quoting John Bradshaw, " of the major blocks to creativity was the feeling of knowing you are right. When we think we are absolutely right, we stop seeking new information. To be right is to be certain, and to be certain stops us from being curious. Curiosity and wonder are at the heart of all learning."

I haven't been a know it all and yet, I have often had a great deal of contempt for things I didn't understand. I stayed within the bounds of what was safe and known. Admitting that I don't know everything and that I'm not perfect says that I am limited.

Being limited opens the door to learning about things I once poured contempt upon.


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