Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sweet Victory

Ahh...sweet victory finally came my way in the game of Knights and Cities. 3 of us played Friday night, most worthy opponents they were. I lost the first game but it was close. The second game, everything went my way and I won very quickly.

I have loved playing games since I was a kid. My brother and I would play lots of games together. I was 4 years older than him so I often had an advantage. We were both quite competitive so winning was very important. With my advantage I usually won, much to his chagrin.

Monopoly was one game that he could beat me at. That bothered me. Other times I'd let him win games just so he'd keep playing with me.

Let me see what games I can remember here: Monopoly, Yahtzee, Probe, Chinese Checkers, Checkers, Chess, Parchisi, Sorry, Stratego, Battleship and a myriad of card games.

Our family struggled to communicate and get along with each other. I think playing games created a space where we could enjoy spending time together.


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