Sunday, November 06, 2005

Discovering Bob Dylan

I never cared anything about Bob Dylan. To me he looked stoned and sounded bad.

But then in September I caught a bit of a documentary about Bob Dylan that was playing on PBS. It was really well done.

I became interested in Bob Dylan as an artist. In his youthful days in the early 60's he seemed to be able to express himself very freely through his music. The music seemed to flow without him getting in the way. That was the feeling I had watching the documentary.

So, I picked up a CD from the library that has 30 songs of his. I was amazed at how many of these songs I knew. I never realized these were all his songs. He's had a lot of hits over the years. I really enjoy his style of music and his unique voice.

The style reminds me of my friend Rick Beerhorst's music. Perhaps Bob Dylan's music influenced him.

Being someone that's held back for much of his life, I'm very drawn toward people who can freely express themselves. I'm learning from them and growing.


Blogger Michael said...

I like him too.
People that forge their own paths instead of following others are cool.

Take Care

12:00 PM  

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