Let me be up front in saying I've never been an Al Gore fan. I've never voted for him and considered him to be a bit of an environmentalist wacko. I hadn't even considered watching the documentary partly because it was Al Gore and partly because I'm weary of hearing about global warming. But a good friend recommended it highly so we thought we'd put it in our Netflix queue. We watched it last night.
Now I get it. Global warming is a BIG deal.
I used to think global warming was a creation of the left as a ploy for political power. Now, I see this is a non-political issue that needs the attention of everyone, including our politicians.
We're taking enormous risks by doing little or nothing right now. It will take public and private leadership to work together to address this problem.
We're to be stewards of God's creation and we're beginning to see that our collective actions are beginning to harm it. It's easier to deal with it now rather than pushing it off to the next generation when it gets far worse.
I recommend the documentary.