Friday, March 04, 2005

Going it Alone

Old habits die hard. A few weeks back I was having a really tough week all stressed out over work & whatever else was going on. An idea dawned on me to have my wife, affectionately nicknamed Wonder Woman, pray for me. It seems like a simple request but it reminded me how I tend to not ask for help from other people. And, come to think of it, I don't ask God for help very often either.

This old habit of going it alone dies hard. Much of my life has been spent managing on my own. I give lip service to God but in my heart of hearts I believe it's up to me and me alone.

Fortunately this way of living creates stress, anxiety, anger and many other such emotions. When these emotions come to the surface I become aware of my need for help. I'm forced to pull out of isolation and begin to reconnect with the human race and the divine.

I forget how becoming vulnerable in relationships has shifted the course of my life. Instead of narcissistic behaviors I found a new way to deal with life. Talking out my emotions makes the difference for me.

Listening to the Simon & Garfunkle song about being a rock reminds me of how my life was. I tried to hide but hiding was miserable.


Blogger Pat said...

You're the first person I've ever heard refer to anxiety as a useful tool. What a great attitude.

It's good to hear our thoughts outside of our heads, out in reality where they can be sifted. The thoughts, not the heads...

Great thoughts, kevmokev.

4:54 AM  

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