Thursday, February 10, 2005

Presidential Dreams

Funny how our dreams take us to places and interact with people we don't even know in real life.

I had a dream the other day about talking to President Bush. He was digging a hole with a shovel for the Australians. It was a part of his ceremonial duty. I thought it was rather odd that he had to do weird stuff like that. So, I commented to him, "It sure is weird some of the things you have to do in your job." He said, "Thank you."

He completely missed my point about the odd things he has to do in his job. I was trying to sympathize with him and he was oblivious.

No more sympathy from me for the odd things you have to do in your job Mr. Bush.


Blogger Headless-in-GR said...

Digging holes helps oxygen get deep inside the soil, making the ground more fertile...

(but alas, I miss the point)

9:59 PM  

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