Thursday, February 17, 2005


For a few weeks now I've been specifically aware that I need some silence and solitude in my life. Too much noise going on in my brain. I want to turn down the static a bit. I need to be quiet long enough to get in touch with my own heart and with God.

Knowing this was not enough to move me until I started experiencing the ill effects of the noise. The ill effects being hyper sensitivity to any perceived criticism and a short temper.

So, after having to apologize to a couple people for my behavior and attitude, I have now taken a couple baby steps toward change. A few quiet minutes at home, in the car, before work etc. It takes some practice to learn to be quiet again.


Blogger Headless-in-GR said...

So wait, noise INSIDE your head or noise OUTSIDE your head? Or maybe it doesn't matter?

I'm just curious if you see it all the same...

3:25 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Wait Kevster - it's not you. It's John Kerry again. Just don't listen to him. He comes off cool with his street talk, but before you know it he's got your brain loaded like a small town landfill.

9:10 PM  
Blogger Kevmo said...

Good question. I do see them as different but with the a similar result.

The noise is from both inside and outside. If I have outside noise like talk radio & TV, I don't have to listen to the inside noise. Plus, those outside voices help contribute to the noise in my head because I'm thinking about stuff they talk about such as politics or world conflicts.

The inside noise is sometimes just wrapped up in current events. Other times its focused on worries & fears.

12:57 PM  

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